Monday, November 4, 2013

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Greetings from Omegabiz!
Well I thoroughly enjoyed the extra hour of sleep I got Saturday night! The problem is now its early afternoon and i am already feeling the urge to blow off the gym and go take a nap! i am sure the urge will dissipate in time.

This week we had an interesting event take place with not one but 2 of our clients! It is not rare to have a client call and need help with a virus that magically appeared on their computer. But in this case, not only did we get two requests but they both were a nasty little thing called Cyberlocker or Ransomware.
This type of virus is usually acquired from clicking an attachment in an email, but it can be downloaded from less than secure sites as well. What makes this type of virus so mean is that it encrypts all your data then informs you that in order to decrypt your data you will need to send them $300.00 in MoneyPak or Greenbucks. These are typically bought at Walmart and other shopping establishments. Of course, they are typically untraceable so it is a perfect way to get paid and leave no money trail.

Typically, we would recommend not paying for any type of software where they infect you first then get you to sign up or buy a software to remove it. The beauty or the disgusting (whichever side your on) part of this particular virus is there is no way to unencrypt your data so unless you have backed up your data or kept good restore points, you are out of luck getting your data back. Both of our clients did not have recent backups and both had critical data that had to be retrieved.

We recommended paying the ransom (only after researching that these thieves were at least honorable enough to actually do what they say). Both declined at first, then when they came to the realization that they
would lose all their data decided to pay the ransom. I am happy to say that upon receipt of the money, the extortionists actually unencrypted the file and the clients were able to retrieve their data.

The bottom line is this, they were EXTREMELY lucky. First of all, It is very important to back up your data frequently. Second, Have a good Anti-Virus software installed Like ESET. Third, do NOT click on attachments that you do not know who they are from. If you have any questions of for more information regarding this give me a call or check out our website

Until Next Time,

Trent B. Nyffeler ·
Technology Solutions Advisor | Omega Business Systems |
Office (817) 492-4249 x125| Fax (817) 492-4250   

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another Holiday Passed us by!

Greetings from Hot and Sticky (still) Arlington, Texas! Well another Holiday weekend has come and gone. This one has special significance in that Labor day marks the traditional end of summer. Kids are back in school. The summer pool parties have come to an end. Football season begins (this is a good thing). Of course, here in Texas, Mother Nature didn't get the memo and it is still brutally hot!!! I am excited for two reasons today. The first is, after a long layoff, I have finally got my butt off the couch and decided to get back in to the gym! Over the last couple years I actually have lost 100 pounds, but I took a break and it is time to get back after it before I slowly pack it back on. I am also excited because we have brought on a new client at Omega Business Systems, LLC. Of course, i am always excited to bring in new customers for many reasons, but this one is a refreshing change of pace. Although we all work our tails off so we can take care of our families and financial obligations, I enjoy helping others through taking care of the IT Networks so they can focus on other things to help grow their business'. So since I am beginning to on board a new client, I thought I would share a couple tips to consider when changing Managed Service Providers or hiring one for the first time. The first and foremost is make sure you can work with your Account Manager or Contact person. Yes, Yes, of course you want to make sure they are a honest, competent company. But what good is that if you cannot stand dealing with your Account Manager to make sure you get things done and in the time frame you need them to be completed in. 

Secondly, Be Prepared! When you bring on a new company to handle your IT needs, they will need some information to get your system switched over so they can manage the network effectively. The most important thing to have in hand is a list of Users and Passwords. You should have this already stored in a convenient and secure place (even if you are currently outsourcing your IT.) This will enable the New provider to access your network and get familiar with your setup. Not to mention be able to handle any help desk requests that may come up during the On boarding process.
These of course are only a couple things to assist you in the process of hiring a Managed Service Provider, but i assure you these will help you tremendously moving forward in the process.

Until Next time, I hope you have a great week. Feel free to drop me a line if you have a question or a topic you would like me to address. 


Trent B. Nyffeler ·
Technology Solutions Advisor | Omega Business Systems |
Office (817) 492-4249 x125| Fax (817) 492-4250   

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Greetings from Smoldering Arlington, Texas! I have decided to try to attempt a blog as a way to free my mind of all the extra information that seems to be constantly keeping me from focusing on my daily tasks. I have so many interests and ideas but I really want to stick to what people really want to know about a myriad of topics that i may have some insight or opinion of that is worth consuming. Primarily, my main motivation is to enlighten Small Business owners on the value of having their IT management outsourced to a company like the one i work for..... Omega Business Systems. Let's face it, most business owners don't give a crap about their IT. Like myself, They just want to sit at their desk and have access to their data, emails, and of course the internet!!! It is only an issue to investigate when one of the above cannot be accomplished. Then and only then, does the intricacies of their IT network have real meaning. In the future, I hope to bring valid reasons for why we should outsource our IT to a competent Company and hopefully have some useful tips and tricks to make technology easier to use and abuse! In addition, I hope to mix in a few observations on how I see the world and stimulate conversation and a variety of subjects. Please feel free to comment and offer your opinions, questions and concerns and I will do my best to respond or answer accordingly! Until we meet again, stay cool and be a blessing to others!