Thursday, August 29, 2013

Greetings from Smoldering Arlington, Texas! I have decided to try to attempt a blog as a way to free my mind of all the extra information that seems to be constantly keeping me from focusing on my daily tasks. I have so many interests and ideas but I really want to stick to what people really want to know about a myriad of topics that i may have some insight or opinion of that is worth consuming. Primarily, my main motivation is to enlighten Small Business owners on the value of having their IT management outsourced to a company like the one i work for..... Omega Business Systems. Let's face it, most business owners don't give a crap about their IT. Like myself, They just want to sit at their desk and have access to their data, emails, and of course the internet!!! It is only an issue to investigate when one of the above cannot be accomplished. Then and only then, does the intricacies of their IT network have real meaning. In the future, I hope to bring valid reasons for why we should outsource our IT to a competent Company and hopefully have some useful tips and tricks to make technology easier to use and abuse! In addition, I hope to mix in a few observations on how I see the world and stimulate conversation and a variety of subjects. Please feel free to comment and offer your opinions, questions and concerns and I will do my best to respond or answer accordingly! Until we meet again, stay cool and be a blessing to others!

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